A million last minute details before Caireen and I leave for Ghana along with a few others from the Diocese of Edinburgh on a visit to various points in the Diocese of Cape Coast. We decided to spend a few shekels and to bring our children along as well. Baby Rabbit has just finished her exams at Concordia University in Montreal. She arrives in Edinburgh tomorrow. Young Master Step-Rabbit is being taken out of High School (with the Head's permission) for two weeks. Surprisingly he is not objecting.
After an overnight in Accra, I'm going to speaking at the Seminary in Cape Coast for an evening series with the students. We've been scheduled in for all sorts of 'courtesy visits' with the Bishop and sundry other individuals and groups. Caireen is hoping to visit one of the childrens' homes which is being established by the daughter of a friend here in Scotland. There's also the 'mental health' side of things in Ghana which is of interest to her.
After a few days we will be proceeding to the village of Saltpond which is between Accra and Cape Coast. One of my churches' Sunday School is in the process of establishing some links with the Sunday School at Saints Peter and Paul in Saltpond. When our Vestry Secretary from Saint Mungo's was out a few months back we managed to provide some X Ray equipment to the local medical clinic. There's room this time in my suitcase for some dental equipment.
Cameras are all packed - film and digital.
Little to no blogging after the 26th but much to come afterwards.
Rochester diocese responds again to Archbishops’ Council
We reported on 10 December that Rochester has no confidence in the
Archbishops’ Council. This provoked the Council to respond on 20 December,
see Archbis...
3 hours ago